Artmaker Jenna sat on mosiac bench at ACC with her arms in the air and a giant smile on her face.

Jenna Foster

Jenna has been an integral part of Henshaws Arts and Crafts Centre since 2010, actively engaging in a diverse range of workshops such as pottery, printmaking, mosaic work, paper crafts, and drama.

With a discerning eye for popular culture, Jenna's creations are consistently on-trend. Her artistic process begins with sketching on her iPad, where her perfectionist nature shines through, enabling her to infuse intricate details into her work. This initial digital design phase serves as a foundation for her subsequent ventures into sculpture, drawing, printmaking, and mosaic art.

Jenna's creative journey often revolves around a central motif, exemplified by her unicorn theme. This motif seamlessly translates across various workshops, resulting in an array of artistic expressions, including tote bags, cards, two captivating mosaics, and even serving as the focal point of a paper mâché totem pole. Jenna's dedication and versatility contribute significantly to the vibrant artistic community at Henshaws Arts and Crafts Centre.

Click here to view Jenna's Handmade products.

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